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From experience we have established the following code of behaviour, for your safety and to minimise our impact on the wildlife you have come to see.




  • Observe the animals silently and with a minimum of disturbance to their natural activities. Loud voices on game drives or walks can frighten the animals away.

  • Never attempt to attract an animal’s attention. Don’t imitate animal sounds, clap your hands, pound the vehicle or throw objects.

  • Respect your guide’s judgement about proximity to lions, cheetahs, leopards and other game. Don’t insist that he take the vehicle closer so you can get a better photograph. A vehicle driven too close can hinder a hunting animal or cause it to abandon a hard-earned meal.

  • Don’t throw out litter. It can choke or poison animals and birds and is unsightly.

  • Never attempt to feed or approach any wild animal on foot. This is especially important near lodges or in campsites where animals may have become accustomed to human visitors. They are still very dangerous.

  • Off-road driving is forbidden in some areas. Don’t ask the guide to break the rules.

  • Never walk on your own. Always have a guide with you.

Safari Map: Southern Africa

Authentic African Safaris

Victoria Falls Weather Forecasts

Meeting with Wildlife

Ensure Light-Footprint, Safe & Game-Respectful Safaris

Welcome to Touch Nature African Safaris

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